The Cheese and The Macaroni

Clinton Portis' Thursday interviews seem destined to become Redskins folklore. Portis' many characters provide a needed comedy relief each and every week. Can you tell me another professional athlete that willingly sets himself up to be on ESPN's "Not Top Ten Plays"? Some people are annoyed with Clinton's antics, but I assume most aren't. His sense of humor is a breath of fresh air admist the T.O.-saturated media.
For those that aren't hip to #26's beat, Portis creates a new character each week to answer reporters' questions during what is supposed to be the pro-bowl RB's regular media session. Sample characters include Dollar Bill, Sheriff Gonna Getcha, and the currently MIA, Jerome from Southeast.
These characters explore the issues that keep us all up at night like:
* Who took Dollar Bill's 20 Gs? And was Warren Sapp involved?
* What was Jerome from Southeast doing in an underground poker party with A-Rod?
* Who won the gold medal for gymnastics at the 1998 Summer Olympics?
* And can the Sheriff name any Led Zeppelin songs?
Anyway, I guess this all means that Clinton is starting to feel very comfortable in Washington. And to me that is good thing. He is an outstanding talent on the field (weird socks and all) and I hope he continues this absurd behavior (in DC) for as long as he is a player in the NFL.
Great stuff!
I love Sheriff Gonna Getcha!!!!
This guy is alright.......
Too bad he doesn't dress up as Ladanion Tomlinson or Shaun Alexander...and then run like them.
He's in the top ten in the NFL for rushing yards right now smarty pants. Aside from yesterday, I think he is doing just fine unlike Westbrook, who is sitting at #28. Oh yes, i did go there.
do you want to compare All-Purpose yardage? That's catches, runs and return you want to?
sure why not -- aside from the special teams stuff cos that is not fair as Portis does not do STs ...
on another note, who saw Sean Taylor jacking up that Raider?? My next sports blog will be about #21 or maybe how the Cowboys ruined the Eagles in less than a year.
redskins suck......
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